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EFPA certificates

To follow you throughout your career, EFPA certifications are spread over different levels, choose the one that suits you best:

- 4 levels of certifications for professional of finance,

- 1 ESG certificate for experts in sustainable finance.

EFPA members are also subject to a code of ethics and a continuous professional development (CPD) program to maintain their knowledge.


EFPA status can allow you to benefit from assistance for the financing of your certification.


EFPA European Investment Assistant®

Certification designed to meet the requirements set by art. 17 of the Esma Guidelines on knowledge and competences for staff giving information about investment products, investment services or ancillary services.


EFPA European Investment Practitioner®

Certification designed to meet the ESMA requirements in terms of knowledge et competences. For those who offer a basic advisory service.


EFPA European Financial Advisor®

A certification aimed at practitioners with an extended financial advisory activity. It is the most widespread level of European certification.


EFPA European Financial Planner

The highest level of certification. It concerns the financial planning activity as a whole.


EFPA ESG Advisor®

A certification offering a comprehensive insight into ESG topics and is addressed to all professionals interested in obtaining solid knowledge in this sector

code of ethics

1 code of ethics


EFPA is convinced that every financial adviser is defined by two main features: professional integrity and professional qualification.

Ethics and skills are the two dimensions by which every financial adviser should be measured.

After all, potential clients must be able to trust the integrated European Financial Market and its major actors.

Therefore EFPA is promoting the dissemination of a European Code of Ethics. Each certificate holder must complain with that code of ethics.

In case of failure by one of the members of EFPA, the Ethics Committee will judge this failure, if needed a certification can be withdrawn.

Femme consultant un livre juridique

1 continuous professional development programme

To upgrade and keep at the highest standard your knowledge and competences, EFPA promotes a continuous professional development program.

With an appropriate programme, each professional can guarantee a high degree of competency an update his/her skills following the regulation changes.

Étudiants et enseignant en salle de clas

Need help to finance your Certification

EFPA Luxembourg ASBL is recognized as a Training Center by the Minister of National Education, Childhood and Youth of Luxembourg.

This status can allow our members to benefit from tax advantages as part of their certification, for unemployed person and also others.

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