European Financial Planner®
& International Financial Planner®
Certification's goal
The European Financial Planner® (EFP) is the highest level of certification. It concerns the financial planning activity as a whole.
Outside Europe, this certification is providing under the label International Financial Planner® (IFP) certification. The certificate is adapted to local constraints.
Target audience
That certification offers a training Integrated practice of financial planning including investments at portfolio level, estate planning, international taxation, retirement and insurance needs not only for private clients but also for business owners.
The educational programs should be covered in a minimum of 21 classroom days or 168 tuition hours (or equivalent), after EFA or IFA certifications.

EFPA European Investment Assistant®
Certification designed to meet the requirements set by art. 17 of the Esma Guidelines on knowledge and competences for staff giving information about investment products, investment services or ancillary services.

Continuous Development Program
Code of Ethics
Over its certification, we offer a Continuous Professional Development Program including mandatory trainings, the latest regulatory developments and the last trend of the financial industry.
In accordance with its philosophy and best practices, we promote a code of ethics that each certificate holder must respect.